Budgeting and Basketball

I hate budgeting.

This past weekend was crazy busy.  We, (my brother, sister-in-law and I) had a friend come in town for the weekend.  I don’t know what you’re like, but I love showing off my city and by showing off I mean going out to eat at my favorite restaurants.  In two days, I managed to hit up six restaurants.

Now if you’re detail-oriented you may have noticed the $52.00 meal from Josephs.  Here’s another problem I run into when friends visit: I think I’m supa rich!

The problem is, I’m not super rich.  In fact, I have set a budget of $100 a week for myself.  That includes gas, food, fun and misc.  So, when my brain decided to quit working this weekend, I spent a total of $154.12!  Ack!  And, $50 was put on the credit card.

Here is another problem I’m currently dealing with.  My cat Cotton is a ninja.  He sneaks out the door when I least expect it.  When he comes back he brings fleas, (despite his monthly advantage treatments.)  I’m happy to say that the house if finally flea-free again, but it turns out, when there are fleas there are tapeworms.  I think I just threw-up. Get used to it, this is my life.  I went and got worm medicine today and it was another $43 on the credit card.  Whoo …

But, there is good news in all of this.  I won the office bracket pool at work!  You are so smart!  I know!  I got $45 out of the deal.  After the obligatory office cake purchase I’ll have some extra $ to put towards the credit cards.

The lesson that I learned here is that eating out is wonderful, but only in the small doses that your budget allows.  For the rest of the month I’m going to avoid eating out, (except where absolutely necessary – I have girls night coming up!)  If I play my cards right I’ll have some money left over at the end of the month to put towards the credit card and hopefully pay off this weekend’s spending spree.

Mom – if you’re reading this and are worried about me – don’t!  I have a full tank of gas and plenty of food/leftovers to get me through the week.

Thanks for reading guys!  Next week, (when I have money again): Curry Chicken