Why are you doing this?

I’m 27.
I’m overweight.
I’m in debt.
I’m single.

When did I become the American cliche?  Someone once told me, (probably my mom) that your lifestyle in your 20’s defines the rest of your life.  So, if you are a workaholic or lazy in your 20’s then chances are you will be for the REST OF YOUR LIFE!  Ah!  I don’t want to be like this forever and I only have three years left to get my shit together!

I am hugely lacking in discipline, (obviously).  So, this is my accountability.  I know I can’t do it alone, if I could, I would have already.  But, my relationship with God is growing stronger and I think that He can give me the strength to get out of this rut and redefine myself in a way that better glorifies Him.  Plus, you’re reading this, (so you probably know me and feel obligated to,) which means you can help me too!  Sucker!

I am going to change, dammit.  Just watch me!

4 thoughts on “Why are you doing this?

  1. I feel ya Jess, when I was younger I felt that I was going to be this awesome, in-shape, person who got shit done, when I realized that I wasn’t I had a huge “breakdown”. I had to become accountable to myself again and not try to justify what I was doing, because at the end of the day I was only hurting myself, so the only way I was going to be that awesome, in-shape, person was to get off the couch and just do it! Stop feeling sorry for myself and start to make changes. So good luck in this next chapter, and let me know if you want your butt kicked!

  2. I love your openness and willingness to share the journey. Doing a weight-loss thing myself – down 5lbs – woop woop. Will be praying for you to keep moving towards your goals.

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